Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, June 19, 2010

我的獨特新婚浪漫蜜月旅程 - {蜜月海} I

網上旅遊大師ZUJI 舉辦了一個「ZUJI蜜月旅行創作比賽」,
bubibu榮幸地被搞手之一的Mrs Chik Chik 邀請參加哩。

可惜最近都在忙團購的事 (昨天一口氣把大部分beautyfoot送到姊妹們手中, 叻~)
和參賽時間重疊了, 害我都沒時間找資料哩...
不過總要有體育精神的! come on, 好好的把它完成吧。

以前呢, 會幻想到這裡到哪裡蜜月旅行, plan一個最完美的旅程...
但自從開始了籌備婚禮之後, 我發覺這是件奢侈事情哩~

婚禮前太忙碌, 根本沒充裕時間去準備一個鉅細無遺的蜜月旅行行程,
籌備真正的蜜月旅行, 跟今次的比賽一樣, 都是沒時間!

所以, 我和bubu需要的蜜月旅行, 必須要快·靚·正·
- 不用經過多次來回查詢, 報價, 一次就要搞定
- 好歹都是具意義的蜜月旅行, 行程當然要good good
- 價錢好, 優惠多就最正斗啦 =]

一直以為 ZUJI 頂多只是訂機票酒店的地方, 今次上去找資料, 發覺原來可以book的東東有好多, 連保險, 租車, local tour等等都有...


也不要跟那些每逢週末在harbour city出發兜個圈回來的小郵輛相提而論~

郵輪旅行嘛, 正好符合我們蜜月的宗旨-hae!
去蜜月旅行, 一定要夠hae, 不可以擔心趕交通工具, 不可以行程太緊密
蜜月應該是讓newlyweds婚後好好的relax, 廷續新婚甜蜜~
在船上, 懶惰可以留在船上遊玩, 興起可以下船觀光... 

在 ZUJI 搜尋合適的cruise trip, 方便得很!
只需在首頁按下"cruises" tab, 進入後右面會有一個搜尋器, 可以按地點, 郵輪公司, 價格去搜尋, 另外頁面也有幾個精選cruise trips, 按圖進入就可以。

出發日期, itinerary各有不同, 只有相同的是 - discount!!!
從 ZUJI 訂購旅程的話, 可享有GREAT discount!

我們最後揀選的cruise trip - Epic & Western Caribbean

7 night roundtrip cruise onboard Norwegian Epic:
Destinations: Caribbean, North America
Cruise Line: NCL
Ship: Norwegian Epic
Embarkation Port: Miami, USA
Duration: 7 nights
Departure Date: 13 Nov 2010


我們喜歡這個cruise trip, 因為它在我們婚後約一星期出發, 沿途offshore ports較少, 只經mexico & honduras, 而且NCL (Norwegian Cruise Line) 算是top tier之一, 所乘搭的Norwegian Epic更加是旗下最新的郵輪!!!

Norwegian Epic

It all began with Freestyle Cruising - where NCL reinvented the way people cruise by giving them the freedom to do whatever. Now NCL would like to welcome you to Norwegian Epic: NCL's incredible new ship that reinvents cruising once again. Experience the many exciting, new entertainment options and amazing nightlife, including the first true ice bar at sea.

Norwegian Epic also has some of the most innovative and flexible accommodations ever - from the new 'Studios' with a hip urban feel and exclusive access to The Living Room to private 'Villas'. Add 17 different dining options and you' ll see why we say this is Freestyle Cruising on a truly grand scale.

Built In: 2009
Gross Tonnage: 153,000
Length: 1080 feet or 329.5 metres
Cruising Speed: 22 knots
Decks: 19
Passenger Capacity (based on double occupancy): 4,200
Engines: Diesel Electric

至於房間選擇, 既然是honeymoon, 就豪一次, 住suite!
因為經ZUJI預訂房間, 有40% discount >>
原價$44,229 p.p., 現在只需$26,539 p.p.!

Views, views and more views. This suite for four boasts all around floor-to-ceiling windows and allows you to experience it all, whether you want to lounge around all morning and have breakfast in your king-size bed or enjoy a slightly more formal setting in your own separate living room with dining area. Of course, you could also dine in the privacy of your own open-air balcony, or enclosed balcony with sliding glass doors that open so you can feel the fresh air and cool ocean breeze. The choice is yours. You'll also get a beautiful and luxurious bathroom with separate shower and whirlpool tub, the assistance of a butler and concierge servic
e, plus exclusive access to The Villas Courtyard, Concierge Lounge, private restaurants and bar.

Deluxe Owner's Suite
• Sleeps up to 4 guests
• Separate living room with dining area
• Luxurious bathroom
with vanity sink, tub and separate shower
• Separate bedroom with king-size bed
• Exclusive access to Courty
ard Area complete with pool, hot tub and lounging area

我們住的應該是還有open-door balcony的~

超大bathroom, 還有jacuzzi!

另外就是要安排來回機票, 懶惰如我, 當然也是貪方便光顧ZUJI啦, 


更加可以以價格排序, 找到最抵機票~

衡量過航空公司, 抵埗時間及價格, 今次我們會選乘british airways:

Hong Kong (HKG) to Miami International Airport (MIA)
Price per adult inclusive of taxes and fees: HKD 12,568

Outbound: BRITISH AIRWAYS BA0028, BA0207
Departs: Wed 12 Nov 10
Arrives: Thu 13 Nov 10
Economy - 1 stop
Total travel time: 27 hrs 40 mins
Inbound: BRITISH AIRWAYS BA0208, BA0025
Departs: Sat 20 Nov 10 20:45
Arrives: Mon 22 Nov 10 14:25
Economy - 1 stop
Total travel time: 28 hrs 40 mins
bookings settled! 接著還要「係咁意」plan行程...(續')

蜜月過的你, 蜜月中的你, 準備蜜月的你, 甚至是每位路過的你
雖然我的文章很爛, 還是厚著臉皮的請你支持,
留個言吧 =] (請記得留公開回應喔。)

pictures from ZUJI Hong Kong & Norwegian Cruise Line


  1. 小魔怪媽媽-YENJun 19, 2010, 7:04:00 PM

    支持你呀!! 郵輪真係唔錯呀!! 間房好正~~
    [版主回覆06/19/2010 21:10:00]多謝你啊...我終於係死線前完成到...

  2. cruises honeymoon依個idea唔錯wor
    [版主回覆06/21/2010 12:00:00]係我呢隻懶鬼先諗得出呢d懶到出汁既plan...

  3. 間房真係又大又舒服!!!!
    [版主回覆06/21/2010 12:00:00]係囉, 唔search過都唔知, 原來依家郵輪d房可以咁大咁正!

  4. 嘩!間房好大好正呀!
    [版主回覆06/21/2010 12:03:00]我都係做資料搜集先知...我仲停留係上下兩塊窄板放落黎訓既思想年代...

  5. Good idea ah, 我都係plan 去郵輪, 但係打算下年先去, 因為今年攪結婚都用晒d假啦 !!
    [版主回覆06/21/2010 11:58:00]我今年d假唔敢放啊, 就係留黎去honeymoon!

  6. Great Job ..Good effort
    I will keep it for reference
    [版主回覆06/21/2010 16:31:00]thanks for your 2nd msg!!! thanks thanks thanks =]

  7. 郵輪honeymoon又幾特別喎,加油呀
    [版主回覆06/22/2010 11:51:00]多謝你! 諗住係創作比賽嘛, 就諗下有咩花臣搞囉~~~~

  8. 熊貓車 Panda CarJun 25, 2010, 10:59:00 AM

    郵輪正呀 ^^ 有機會我都想去一次地中海郵輪
    [版主回覆06/25/2010 11:14:00]係呀, plan完都覺得真係幾正~ 最緊要夠hae~~~~~

  9. 海味 & 番鬼仔Apr 9, 2011, 2:48:00 PM

    咁岩既... 我都係去郵輪 Honeymoon ae ~ 不過我去地中海呀.... 我之前冇留意你呢篇 post ae ~ 早知我都用Zuji 啦。。。>< 
    [版主回覆04/09/2011 23:32:00]我最後唔係去cruise trip啊,呢份係我出席zuji event既功課 =] 我去左馬爾代夫~
