Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, June 19, 2010

我的獨特新婚浪漫蜜月旅程 - {蜜月海} II

(續') ZUJI蜜月旅行創作比賽: 我的獨特新婚浪漫蜜月旅程 - {蜜月海}

Day ONE - 12/13 nov - hong kong, china / miami, florida12 nov晚上從香港出發, 乘搭british airways到美國miami, 13 nov下午抵達miami international airport, 隨即轉至郵輪碼頭, 準時4pm上船!

初來報到, 依照港男港女習俗, 例必入房後行李先放一旁, 先將房間未被搗亂前的所有角落, 用相機記錄下來=]

船身三百多米, 共十九層, 我怕我們七天都未能把全船遊一遍呢!
為保之後幾天不會迷路, 第一天先去探探路, 周圍探索一下norwegian epic!

至於晚餐, 我完全不擔心, 因為船上共有20個dining options, 由steakhouse, french cuisine, italian, 日式鐵板燒甚至中菜, 一應俱全!

第一晚不如先試試 italian/Tuscan cuision - La Cucina

Day TWO - 14 nov - At Sea第二天全天在船上渡過, 不用擔心會悶, 因為船上有太多entertatinment!
在我初初了解norwegian epic的時候, 就見到deck上面的colourful water slides!
Let's suit up and splash down at the Aqua Park then~!
我要bubu攬住我, 一起衝下幾層樓高的水滑梯!

另外玩累了, 可以到Posh Beach Club休息一下, 躺在daybeds, 曬太陽, 嘆杯透心涼的caribbean drink, 爽耶~

曬太陽曬到熱騰騰, 晚餐不如吃sushi & sashimi?
有japanese cuisine - Wasabi

飯後可以去Rock N' Roll Dueling Piano Bar 聽音樂, Howl At The Moon!

Day THREE - 15 nov - Costa Maya, Mexico第三天抵達mexico的costa maya, 我們會join offshore excursion~
cruise line在每一個port都有提供幾個不同類型的活動, 我們今次參加的是
Catamaran Sail & SnorkelBoard your catamaran and sail along the virgin coast of Costa Maya. Dive into the Caribbean waters to explore the colorful undersea life. After snorkeling you'll sail back along the scenic coast. 

我們會揚帆出海 (其實已經在海上了...), 到catamaran其中一個沙灘游加勒比海水, 玩浮潛! excursion description寫到:

You'll see jacks, snappers, colorful angelfish or queen triggerfish abound. A lazy turtle or curious grouper are not rare to find.  >>> that's why i luv SNORKELING!

之後會回到帆船上, 沿海岸線欣賞景色, 到傍晚回到船上。

連續兩天游水, 需要大量肉類補充體力啦!
晚餐選擇了Moderno Churrascaria, featuring barbequed meats

barbeque完好熱氣啊, 去Ice Bar降溫!
這是世界上十四個之一的Ice Bar, 更加是海上第一個Ice Bar, 未有機會去北極圈那邊的, 先試試海上的ice drink in ice bar!

Day FOUR - 16 nov - Roatan, Honduras第四天抵達Honduras (洪都拉斯), 依然有offshore excursion。當我在browse roatan excursion choices, 一見到這個就決定join!

Dolphine Encounter & Tabyana Beach
Visit a place where jungle meets a powder-sand beach, with clear waters and some of the world's finest pristine coral at your feet. Then, enjoy an unforgettable dolphin encounter. As you walk into the ocean, the dolphins will greet you and allow you to interact with them.

親親海豚啊! 雖然香港都有機會(ocean park), 不過我們未試過哩。

這天5pm就要回到船上, 我們會在日本鐵板燒餐廳Teppanyaki吃過晚餐,

然後到Epic Theatre, 欣賞Legends in Concert的演出, 會有Elvis Presley, Madonna等等「巨星」的出現!

Day FIVE - 17 nov - At Sea第五天全天在船上渡過,  之前幾天都參加活動, 今天要休息休息, 用眼活動only =]
下午先到Epic Theatre, 看Blue Man Group show。單單看show description, 我也搞不懂是什麼類型的節目, 不過NCL落力推薦, 應該不賴吧?

There' s entertainment, and then there' s the kind of entertainment where people leave saying something like, "That was AWESOME!" There' s never been anything like them, at least on this planet. Think vibrating techno music, light shows, comedy, lots of paint and outrageously talented Blue Men creating a wildly fun party atmosphere. The Blue Man Group is so amazing, they could easily be reason enough to choose Norwegian Epic. But, of course, this party' s just getting started. We' ve got award-winning live entertainment all over the ship that will rock your world.

晚上的節目, dinner & after dinner 合二為一, 因為Spiegel Tent不只是一家餐廳, 每晚還會上演Cirque Dreams & Dinner, 讓我們一邊享受美食, 一邊欣賞像馬戲團的精彩演出~!

Day SIX - 18 nov - Cozumel, Mexico第六天又回到了mexico, 今次到了另一個島嶼cozumel, 我們照樣會參加offshore excursion:
Atlantis Submarine: CozumelTravel 100-feet below the sea and enjoy the magic onboard a submarine as you make the underwater journey to Chankanaab, an environmentally-protected marine park home to a huge variety of sea life and 30-foot coral heads. attractive!
會乘坐潛水艇下潛至100米深的深海世界Chankanaab! 正!

(寫完才發覺, 三個excursion都是sea-related的~! sail & snorkeling, dolphin encounter, submarine trip, 超級stick to caribbean cruise trip 的主題啊~)

晚上回到船上, 會到Cagney's Steakhouse用餐,
然後會去pooldeck的Spice H2O, 由白天的泳池變成晚上的dance floor...為什麼要去呢? 要為明晚做準備哩~

Day SEVEN - 19 nov - At Sea第七天全天在船上渡過,  要玩要吃大抵都試過了, 今天又要relax relax, 去做full-afternoon spa, 由頭靚到落腳回香港! (要延續wedding day的靚靚形象啊~)

晚上呢, 我們會去Manhattan Room, formal dressed的來個fine dining, 還要跳ballroom dancing啊! 所以昨天去spice h2o就是要練習練習呢~

Day EIGHT - 20 nov - Miami, Florida蜜月之旅今天就要結束了! 8am會在miami disembark, 飛機2045才起飛, 中間的時間做什麼才好呢! excursion again...不用自己找transportation看地圖嘛, 超懶~

Everglades Tour to Miami International Airport: Miami
Explore the natural wonder of the Everglades from the comfort of your specially designed airboat. Informative, fun and exciting, this tour takes you deep into one of America's largest National Parks - the Everglades.

之後有limosine service送返機場, 就這樣完成我們的{蜜月海} 啦~

雖然這個郵輪假期每天都有節目, 其實時間上很鬆動, 也可以隨心情改變節目行程, 看哪一天想靜靜的過二人世界, 可以留在suite談談情跳跳舞~~~

哇, 我終於寫完啦, 其實我honeymoon不會去cruise trip! 我會去maldives...
因為maldives是個hot honeymoon destination, 不夠獨特, 我就在想, 要發掘些什麼地方好呢? 結果想到了cruise trip!
所以這一篇's really like 交功課, 哈哈...

anyway, 今次比賽有20%是計算公開回應留言的總數...
蜜月過的你, 蜜月中的你, 準備蜜月的你, 甚至是每位路過的你
雖然我的文章很爛, 還是厚著臉皮的請你支持,
留個言吧 =] (請記得留公開回應喔。)

photos from Norwegian Cruise Line


  1. 十卜十卜...BABY !!!
    [版主回覆06/21/2010 11:48:00]多謝adebaby第一個支持啊!

  2. 嘩, 搭郵輪honeymoon, 真係好特別喎!!
    [版主回覆06/21/2010 11:49:00]我諗人地可能係慶祝退休先去cruise trip

  3. 我都有諗過搭遊輪honeymoon o架, 上年係travel expo拎左好多info....不過而家被捷克吸引左我過去喇!! XDDD
    [版主回覆06/21/2010 11:51:00]我出年都要學下你去travel expo先~! 捷克都係好特別既選擇!

  4. 十卜十卜你呀~~~ HONEYMOON去邊咁開心
    [版主回覆06/21/2010 11:56:00]呢個係創作比賽丫, 我其實已經confirm左去maldives~

  5. Support you ah bubibu~ I went to a cruise trip to carribean before too~ very very relaxing and enjoyable!
    and i REALLY like the suite you chose!!! very very luxury ar!
    [版主回覆06/21/2010 11:57:00]多謝janice~ 估唔到你年紀輕輕已經去過cruise trip, 仲去過caribbean! 早知我應該向你取經啦!

  6. 最後一日既full-afternoon spa好吸引~
    [版主回覆06/21/2010 11:55:00]做spa真係好鬼衰, 明明想enjoy過程, 偏偏就一定會舒服到訓著左, 醒左之後剩係知道多左個relaxed body!

  7. 結婚一周年同你去啦
    [版主回覆06/21/2010 11:55:00]咁筍?

  8. maldives 幾錢? 我都想去ar~
    [版主回覆06/21/2010 12:08:00]maldives $$diff 可以好大架, 睇住咩resort, 邊個月份去, 住beach/water villa, 住幾多日, 好多因素影響而且銀碼上落大的~ 旺季去最平都起碼20k一個人啊~

  9. 支持支持勁支持~為左支持你,今次唔可以同你悄悄話喇
    [版主回覆06/21/2010 13:51:00]係喎, 要你打破一貫既慣例添  多謝你呀~

  10. 祝你成功!
    [版主回覆06/21/2010 14:17:00]多謝~

  11. 你幫邊間買package? 可否參考下?
    [版主回覆06/21/2010 14:18:00]我搵安運滿FUN的~

  12. 哈哈~ 我好好彩~ 媽咪好鍾意去旅行~ 我有一家 family friends 都好鍾意自遊行 (我讀書既時候試過跟佢地去50日歐洲 o個種旅行~ rent 個 apartment o係 paris 做基地四圍玩~ 個個 summar 都咁樣去唔同地方~ 試過 35日美加~ cruise 都係同佢地去啦~) 通常我跟佢地玩一輪, 媽咪join最後十幾日, 因為冇咁多假~
    anyways! yeah! plan 旅行好好玩~ 我屋企有好多旅行書, 日本都有六七本... (東北, 近郊, 東京, 京板, 北海道, 九洲, 沖繩...) 美加, 歐洲, 東南亞, 你 up 得出都有... 問我借呀遲d 如果有需要~ hahaha!!!
    [版主回覆06/21/2010 23:58:00]咦...你去歐洲果次我有similar experience啊, 我去左兩個半月歐州, 以荷蘭做基地! 咁你係自己跟住D果家人去, 然後媽咪後JOIN? 愈認識你得多, 愈覺得你好幸福呢~ 請問有無新加坡...

  13. HAHA~~我地會係26/6見面架~~ can you add me ne>??
    [版主回覆06/22/2010 11:58:00]hello! 今個星期六見! ADD左你啦, 你都ADD我丫 =]

  14. haha yes ar~ i follow that family (2 parents + 2 kids and the kids are similar age as i'm), then usually on the 40th day or sth my parents will join~ then we 2 families will continue the trip for another 2 weeks or so and come back home!
    yes ahhhh i have 2 books to singapore! when are u going? i have lent it to my friend who will be going in July~ can lend it to you later if u're going after july!
    [版主回覆06/22/2010 17:37:00]有從小到大一齊玩的family fds, 好幸福的童年 =]  我十一月結完婚就去honeymoon啊, 去完maldives會stopover singapore 3日, 所以可以借的話我都想啊~~~ 我係咁借你D書...

  15. 真係好勁好特別呀~
    加油~ ^^
    [版主回覆06/24/2010 10:08:00]THANKS~

  16. hehe, 支持你
    [版主回覆06/26/2010 20:53:00]敏敏, 多謝你呀, 今日舉行左活動啦~

  17. 很喜歡你的行程安排, 如果可以跟足你的行程蜜月就開心使啦...
    [版主回覆07/06/2010 12:25:00]我既行程一個字 - hea! 如果去caribbean都幾開心架, 不過我要去左maldives先!

  18. Hi hi, I just returned from NCL's Epic too! But we were on the Med itinerary! The Epic is even better then Oasis of the Seas!!
    [版主回覆10/14/2011 09:21:25]wow you really did! it's just for a competition held by a travel agent comapany, i didnt go abroad =]

  19. 哈哈,寫得好好呀!不如真係去啦.....真係幾好玩架!
